
Hello! I'm Kai Zheng, a 5th year Ph.D. candidate at University of California San Diego, advised by Professor Xinyu Zhang. Before pursuing my Ph.D. degree, I worked as an engineer for Pi-Radio Inc., a spin-off from NYU WIRELESS. I also worked for two years at Huawei, Shanghai where I made smartphones. I received my master's degree from New York University and my bachelors' degree from Fudan University.

Research interests: wireless sensing and communication, with a focus on mmWave Radar, low-power IoT systems and software defined radios.

Kai's Picture
Kai Zheng

Ph.D. Candidate

UC San Diego


Featured Research

mmWave Phased-MIMO Radar with Massive Antennas

Hybrid Beamforming Radar

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) radar has become instrumental in diverse consumer applications. However, current mmWave radar suffers from limited angular resolution due the limited number of antennas. In this research project, we introduce a novel mmWave phased-MIMO radar platform equipped with hundreds of antennas. We further study the layout of a sparse array of phased array to achieve high angular resolution. [LINK]. [PDF].

Neuromorphic Radar Sensing for IoT Systems

Neuromorphic Radar

Radar sensors have recently been explored in the industrial and consumer Internet of Things (IoT). However, such applications often require self-sustainable or untethered operations, which are at odds with the high power consumption of radar. We propose a neuromorphic radar sensor that produces spikes and can directly interface with spiking neural networks emulated on neuromorphic computers, which achieves superior energy Efficiency. [LINK]. [PDF].

Recent Publications [Full List]